All About USMLE


The United States Medical Licensing Examination or we call as USMLE®

Is a set of exams you need to give to move to a Residency (Post graduation) program in the USA. This examination owned by two entities: the Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB) and the National Board of Medical Examiners® (NBME®).

USMLE® is subject to a committee that includes ECFMG FSMB NBME members and the public: This committee is responsible for determining the general direction of the program evaluating accreditation procedures and defining Pass / Fail standards and all-important policies and procedures.

USMLE Steps:

The 3 Steps of the USMLE include the USMLE Step 1, USMLE Step 2 CK & USMLE Step 3.


Step 1

The purpose of the USMLE step 1 is to determine whether you can integrate the knowledge of health diseases and treatment procedures and principles. Currently, this exam is reported as pass/fail. To know more Click.

Step 2 CK

The USMLE Step 2CK (Clinical Knowledge) tests your patient-centric clinical applications. The purpose of this exam is to assess the ability to apply medical knowledge, skills, and clinical science to patient care in a supervised practice setting. Recently, there was a change in the passing score of Step 2Ck. To know more Click.

Step 3

Step 3 focuses on patient management in ambulatory settings and assesses the ability to apply medical knowledge and understanding of biomedical and clinical science related to unsupervised medical practices. In easy term, the purpose is to gauge your expertise in handling patients independently. The exam is conducted only in USA. To know more Click.


Each USMLE Steps has its own prerequisite eligibilities and the purpose of writing the exam is also different. So, Click here to know more.


The USMLE is a based on integrated content outline competencies/tasks, and discipline. all the USMLE Steps present test items from 18 major subjects in an integrated form. So, USMLE Step 1 subjects are the same as that of Steps 2 & 3. To understand more Click here.

Application Process

The USMLE exam application process is online. The USMLE Step 3 application process is a little different when you compare it with

that for Steps 1 & 2.

Prometric Test Centers

Prometric test centers are USMLE test centers. First Prometric is the USMLE exam administration agency. USMLE scores are computer-based tests (CBTs). Prometric tests are administered by USMLE Prometric Testing Centers. There are 345 centers in USA & Canada. While 110 test centers in international. You have to be physically present in the USA to appear in USMLE Step 3, while for step1 & 2 international centers are available.

Pass Rate

The USMLE is a series of examination, to get a passing rate is varies from 0 to 100%. However, you can find the most comprehensive summarized data on official website of USMLE.

Attempt Rules:

Normally, the regulatory body allows 4 attempts of each examination of USMLE. But if you fail to qualify for the exam and want to reapply for the exam then on average it takes 4 to 12 weeks to apply for the exam.


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